
The pilots of DanPilot are easily recognized by the crown adorning the uniform, symbolizing that DanPilot is the pilot service of the Danish state. All our pilots are approved and certified by the Danish Maritime Authority and all possess a solid background from the merchant marine.

Prior to acceptance into being pilots at DanPilot they complete a thorough training programme, finalized by the exam as a pilot. Three years is the minimum to become certified to pilot vessels with the maximum draught passing Danish territorial waters. The Danish waters are sectioned into areas with separate certificates with recurring renewals. This is your guarantee that the pilot given your task always possesses the most recent knowledge and is updated on local conditions.

The pilots are always equipped with updated electronic charts and the proper aids to ensure the best possible guidance. The pilots are online during the operation and can receive information from local authorities and DanPilot’s service centre (manned 24 hours a day) on navigational warnings and any other factor that might influence the safe passage.

Once the pilot embarks the vessel the operation is planned in cooperation with the crew of the vessel so all demands and expectations by the customer are fulfilled, while simultaneously choosing the safest and most optimal route. The pilot can also offer advice in case alternative shorter or safer routes exist.

With a pilot from DanPilot you have the highest professional pilotage competence in Denmark on the bridge and we are all proud to deliver on our promise to our customers.


Østre Havnevej 2, 5.,

5700 Svendborg

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