H. Folmer & Co.

H. Folmer & Co. is a Copenhagen based shipping company with deep roots in the Danish maritime tradition. Chartering worldwide, managing owners and technical management are our core businesses. We operate worldwide with a coaster fleet consisting of 7 multi-purposed vessels in the tonnage class from 1600 to 2000 DWCC. Most of the vessels are IMO1-fitted, and the handling of IMO cargos worldwide is among our specialties. H. Folmer & Co. was founded in 1955, and our company represents long experience as well as the ability to remain agile and open minded regarding new business areas.


Fredericiagade 57,

1310 København K

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12.12.2023H. Folmer & Co.


Skibsreder Jørgen J. Folmer 80 år

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