Blue Event 21
Forum for Shipping Economy and Strategy inviterer til Blue Event 21 på Copenhagen Business School, onsdag den 28. april. Her vil Tim Smith fra Maritime Strategies International, forelæse over emnet: Prospects on the Product Tanker Market
Tim Smith is responsible for Maritime Strategies International's macroeconomic and oil market forecasting. Specialising in the tanker sector he regularly gives presentations to clients including banks, brokers and shipowners regarding the market outlook. With overall responsibility for MSI's Tanker Shipping Planning Service (TSPS) model and report, as well as the Tanker Freight Forecaster, Tim is also often involved in consultancy and research projects.
Arrangementet finder sted:
Copenhagen Business School Auditorium SC 033 Dalgas Have 15 Frederiksberg
Den 28. april 2010 Kl. 17:00-19:00
Arrangementet er sponsoreret af JL-Fondet
Deltagelse er gratis, men tilmelding er nødvendigt og bedes meddelt per e-mail til
Kilde: Forum for Shipping Economy and Strategy / Blue MBA