Luftforurening i havne og havnebyer
En lang række danske maritime organisationer, uddannelsesinstitutioner og sammenslutninger står bag den internationale konference ”Clean air in ports and portcities” der finder sted i Fællessalen på Christiansborg den 4. juni.
The conference language is English and the main focus areas are:
• Air pollution from ports including ship, street and rail transport • Regulation of pollution from port equipment and from ships in ports • Technical solutions reducing air pollution from ports and shipping • How Danish politicians can reduce air pollution in ports and port cities
8.30-9.00 Registration, coffee and networking 9.00-9.20 Welcome: Air pollution in ports Julia Balz, project manager: Clean Air in Ports, NABU, Germany 9.20-9.50 Pollution in Copenhagen port and the effect on city air quality Helge Rørdam Olesen, senior advisor, DCE, University of Aarhus, Denmark 9.50-10.20 Effects of emissions from shipping on human health Prof. Jeroen Buters, Virtual Helmholtz Institute in Munich, Germany 10.20-10.50 Ecological assessment of EU regulation on airpollution in ports Dr. Eick von Ruschkowski, Head of the Department for Nature Conservation and Environmental Policy, NABU, Germany 10.50-11.15 Coffee and networking 11.15-11.45 Regulation and the ports role in reducing emissions Bjarne Løf Henriksen, senior consultant, Danish Ports 11.45-12.15 Good practice: Terminal operation at the Port of Hamburg Jan Hendrik Pietsch, Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG, Germany 12.15-12.35 Danish efforts to reduce air pollution in ports and port cities Kirsten Brosbøl, Danish Minister for the Environment 12.35 -13.30 Lunch, coffee and networking 13.30-14.00 Zero emission ferries Claus Nikolajsen, vice president, Scandlines 14.00-14.30 Shore power for vessels Christian B. Petersen, sales engineer, marine and offshore, ABB 14.30-15.00: Environmental ship indexes - A tool to reduce pollution from ports? Eelco Leemans, director, North Sea Foundation, The Netherlands 15.00-15.30 Coffee and networking 15.30-16.15 Discussion: How can Danish politicians stimulate cleaner ports and port cities? Members of the Danish Parliament (in Danish with translation to English). 16.15 Closing remarks
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